Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Smoking marijuana reveals your true self - Bob Marley..RILEY BOLAND INTERVIEW by DREW COOK

I've also been told that you are a non-drinker. Is this true? If so, what led you to this lifestyle?
Why yes kind sir, I am. Well, I skateboard so I’ve seen people drink and never was interested in not being in full control of your body. There is nothing good about drinking or drugs...waste of money, waste of time, you loose your phone and break stuff which leads to spending more money, get arrested, puking, the next day ruined, cant skate, die. Why would you want to do that? It don’t matter because I have more fun out at the bar then anyone that is sauced. I just dance hahahaha.

I heard some talk about how the cheesedicks are all a bunch of sober sissy's, this is bogus. I would be dead with out drugs, I shoot up 4 times a day just to live, weed and beer on the regs gets me even more stoked to skate. I think there is only 2 sober dudes.... and they party hard.
Few weeks back jed, glendon and i decide to check out party punker Andrew W.K. Not having tickets we had to ninja our way in. We hit the alley and start climbing some roofs making our way towards the building. After climbing a few stories there was a ladder that got us to the perfect spot and we were in. Walking down some stairs we walked right into the liquor room, it was beautiful. Sneaking past management and we were in the right room, with the huge line to get in this room we figure were at the right party.
Andrew W.K. started playing and people were getting rowdy. Elbowing some deep v wearing weirdo in the face i feel a kick to the head. Jed is crowd surfing then barges the stage grabs the mic starts yelling cheese dicks! cheese dicks! here i am thinking this guys dead sober, under age, sneaks in, crowd surfs and is now on stage with one of the party kings yelling cheese dicks. He was stoked, started yelling cheese dicks to.

All in all rad fucking night, goes to show you sober kids can party hard.

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